
--It's not at all important to get it right the first time. It's vitally important to get it right the last time.--Andrew Hunt and David Thomas Steve Jobs.

Python is a programming language which is useful for data applications. It is an excellent first language to learn since the syntax makes it easy to read. The rules of Python are less elaborate than other languages. Codesters is based on Python. The best way to learn Python is by practicing. Create basic codes in an IDE such as Trinket and then change them and challenge yourself. The following sites give step-by-step lessons to learn Python:
  • Codecademy's Python lessons
  • Practice python
  • An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) allows you to write and view your code as it runs. You can download one to your computer, such as Pycharm. In class, we will use a friendly online IDE called Trinket to build our programs. Try the Run button on the Trinket on the home page. Sign up for an account, and you can create your python programs using the Trinket IDE. Trinket will let you write in both python 2and python 3, but it will only let you save python 2 projects. There are online Python 2 Cheat Sheets . You can write them in python 3 using that syntax, and copy and paste them to the python 2 Trinket. You can practice the basic programming concepts of variables, loops, conditionals and functions on the Core4 page Here are some more advanced python programming concepts to try:
    Manipulating variables You can change the case of a string, or convert an integer to a string or string to an integer. Concatenation involves joining strings together in the order they appear using the + operator Variables Try It
    Pattern programming Practice syntax and coding by creating patterns. Try to print a 5 x 5 square with asterisk (*) characters using only one print instruction. Put a space in between each asterisk. Python picture programming in Trinket
    Number operators There are a number of symbols used to perform math operations. Number operators Try It
    Input The input function asks the user for a value and returns the result. Concatenation can be used to combine input responses with other phrases Input Try It
    Conditionals An if statement runs specific instructions if a certain condition is True. An else statement runs the indented instructions if the condition of the if statement above it is False < Conditional Try It
    Lists A list is a datatype used to store a collection of different pieces of information, in order, under a single variable name. It is enclosed in square ([]) brackets, elements separated by commas. Lists Try It
    Loops code that repeats for a certain number of times, or while something is true Loops Try It
    Looping through lists Loops let you process all the data in a list Loops and lists Try It
    Functions a sequence of instructions that performs a specific computation. A function can take inputs and produce outputs. Functions Try it

    More Python Practice:

    Manipulating variables: Variables store data. Integers are written as numbers, words are written as strings in quotation marks
    You can combine variable inputs and strings with quotation marks.Input lets the user interact with the program.
    Variables Try It
    Conditionals check if a certain condition is True. They are written with if, elif and else statements. An if statement has has colon after it and the instructions are indented. An if statement allows values in your program to control whether certain instructions are performed. An elif statement checks its condition if no previous condition was True.An else statement runs the indented instructions if the condition of the if and elif statements above them are False. Conditionals Try It
    Loops: The while loop repeats a block of instructions as long as a given condition is True. Each repetition is called an iteration of the loop. To end the loop, the condition should eventually become False. For the condition above, each iteration of the loop should increment the variable so it eventually reaches the maximum value. For loops iterate over items in a list. Loops Try It
    Functions are a sequence of instructions that performs a specific computation. A function can take inputs and produce outputs. The computational task that a function performs must first be defined. A function is defined with the def keyword. After def, give a unique name to the function, and add a sequence of indented instructions on the following lines. Functions Try It

    After you have reviewed these basic concepts, continue some more advanced examples on the Python Practice Page