Web Design Layout

Girls Who Code

Designing a Web Page

Learning basic HTML: Codecademy There are some basic rules that should be followed when designing a web page:

10 Rules of Web Design by Sharpened Products

  1. Simple is beautiful. Cramming too much into each page creates confusion.
  2. Make a good first impression: The overall look and feel of your site is the first thing your visitors will notice.
  3. Pages should be well-organized with a top-down design so that visitors can easily browse through the different sections on your website.
  4. Consistency among the pages on your site makes navigation much easier.
  5. Color selection can make or break a website. Choose a consistent palette of colors that don't clash and have a strong contrast between text and background.
  6. It is important that your website displays correctly on different screen sizes and devices. Using CSS media queries is a great way to implement responsive web design.
  7. Make sure to check your website on multiple browsers to make sure everything appears correctly. It is best to catch problems ahead of time instead of relying on complaints from your visitors.
  8. Check your website regularly for typos, broken links, and images that do not load correctly.
  9. Write your code from scratch. If you use build your site from templates and pre-written scripts, you will be clueless when something goes wrong. If you code your own pages, you will have full control over how they look and act.
  10. Even if your site is beautifully designed, it is no more than an empty shell without content. Make sure all your pages have unique, original content that makes them worth visiting.

Link to the skeleton of this page